You Could Be Doing So Much More.

by Ivonne Zucco

Finding your ideal job might require overcoming many self-limiting beliefs. For example, I recently experienced a bit of insecurity when someone well intentionally commented that with my background and experience, I could be doing so much more. Luckily, I have been through many years of exploration, and I know that there is nothing more gratifying for me than coaching and helping individuals find the success they desire. Nevertheless, in my younger years, I often experienced a pesky recurring thought telling me I was not reaching my goals fast enough. Even when I attained what I had set out to do, I ignored and dismissed my accomplishments, which led to constant dissatisfaction. Does this sound familiar? I bet it does. It is not unusual for many people to feel like they are falling short in their dreams. Plenty of professionals struggle with external opinions and self-imposed pressures that make it difficult to enjoy the journey or know when they have reached the destination they initially set out to achieve. It takes a lot of introspection and overcoming self-doubt to feel a sense of accomplishment because we live in a culture that constantly pushes us to look for the next fix.

“Doing so much more” for some people means obtaining a fancy title, receiving a significant financial reward, getting accolades amongst their peers, or simply someone saying “I am proud of you.” None of these recognitions are intrinsically wrong; we all need better salaries and titles that reflect our professional growth. Nevertheless, it is a problem to purely rely on external reassurance because your sense of value depends on circumstances that might not be under your control. In a different mindset, “doing so much more” can mean finding reward and satisfaction in your work just by doing it. The challenge appears when you doubt yourself because doing what you love comes easy to you. Even if getting to where you are has required some sacrifices, doing what you love feels natural because you have a unique talent. Sometimes finding that might require opening your mind and heart to possibilities you have not contemplated before.

Answering the following questions could help you figure out if you are on the right path:

  • What is your real motivation to do what you do? Check-in with your ego; is your head telling you to get somewhere or is your heart leading you towards what you love?
  • Are you trying to meet others’ expectations, or are you trying to share your talents with the world?
  • Are your expectations replicating or rebelling against patterns you learned throughout your life, or are you consciously doing your own thing just because it makes you happy?
  • Are you trying to prove your worth to someone, or do you already know your value?
  • When you think about why you go to work, what is it that drives you; is it an external or internal feeling?

Growing up, most of us imagine what our lives will look like in the future. Some of us want to have exactly the types of lives we saw in our immediate environments, and others the opposite. For some, success means a predictable orderly life, and for others, adventure and detachment from societal norms. There is a wide range of options in between because all of us possess different talents and aptitudes. To me, “doing so much more” means finding that thing you love so much that it inspires you and makes you feel good inside. Once you find it, let go of the outer and inner beliefs that hold you back, enjoy every moment, and celebrate your victories. 


With over 15 years of senior executive experience in the social service industry, Ivonne Zucco is the Founder and CEO of A Better Story Coaching, a life transition coaching service that aims to unlock the potential of diverse leaders, support individuals through their personal and professional growth, and to create a community of social influencers sharing their expertise for the benefit of all.

For more information, you can contact Ivonne at